Friday, November 23, 2012

Studio Sale!

Here's a quick last minute notice:  I'm having a studio sale!!  It's happening this Sunday, November 25th from 1-4 at 221 31st Street W.
We are moving back to Nelson, BC on Tuesday so I'm clearing out seconds and a bit of old stock.  I'll also have lots of new dishes and jewellery.  If you're in Saskatoon and don't make it out..I'll still have my work at The Better Good.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Globe and Mail

Here's a link to the online/extended version of a piece that was featured in the print version on the Globe and Mail last month.  Part of it was featured in the Life section of the paper paper last month.
I think I start around pg. 8.


I had the opportunity recently to spend a week in Denmark.  There was a print on clay seminar at Guldagurgaard Ceramic Centre and an exhibition at the studio/gallery of Anne Linnemann in Copenhagen.
Both of these events were timed to coincide with the imminent publication of an all new edition of Paul Scott's Ceramics and Print.
 This are the pieces of mine that were featured in the exhibition.  After the show and seminar I had four blissful days riding a bike around Copenhagen checking out all the great little design shops, second-hand stores, museums and restaurants in the city.  It was so inspiring and a nice little rest before the big move. We are relocating our family back to Nelson,BC at the end of the month.